PRVCU works in collaboration with various government and non-government agencies and municipalities to strengthen mosquito control programs in Puerto Rico. The Unit can support current programs by (1) providing training about pesticide application, equipment calibration, servicing and maintenance, safety protocols, among others; (2) sharing surveillance data to aid in decision making; (3) using our technology resources to integrate relevant data from different entities, (4) evaluating new products and tools.
Vector control includes strategies such as:
Reducing and eliminating breeding sites
Applying Insecticides
Reducing and eliminating breeding sites
Control Aedes aegypti at home and around your community by:




Throw away
Breeding sites can be tricky to find.
Identify breeding sites around your home and community

Septic Tanks
Make sure it is completely sealed, and cover air vent with mosquito netting.

Seal with tightly fitted cover. Seal outlets and down-spouts with mosquito netting.

Bucket and Pails
Cover tightly with mosquito netting if used to store water, or turn over if empty.

Flower Vases
Empty and scrub weekly to eliminate mosquito eggs or larvae in the water.

Storage Drums
Keep tightly covered or screened.

Plant Pot Saucers
Empty and scrub weekly to eliminate mosquito eggs or larvae in the water.

Bottles and Gallons
Cover tightly with a cap or mosquito netting. If you don’t need them, throw them away.

Store under shelter if needed for future use. If not, take them to be recycled.

Roof Guttering
Clean weekly to ensure that dirt and leaves do not cause the roof to collect rainwater where mosquitoes could breed.

Apply insecticide or larvicide periodically according to package instructions for use on plants, or wash leaves with pressure hose weekly to flush away mosquito eggs.
Have you seen other breeding sites?
Send us a picture at [email protected]
Applying Insecticides
Applying larvicide
to control Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in containers that accumulate water: Larvicide kills mosquito larvae before they can fully develop into adults.
It is mandatory that larvicides and adulticides are applied per US Environmental Protection Agency product label instructions. When applied following the product label instruction, these products do not harm people, pets, or the environment.
Applying adulticide
indoors or outdoors: Adulticides kill adult mosquitoes. Adulticides are typically liquids that can be applied by treating surfaces such as walls and vegetation or by space spraying indoors and outdoors.